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    Message From the President

    Rates continue to be low for major purchases and particularly with new and used vehicles. That brings to mind the effort that car dealers use in getting you, our member, to switch to the finance source of their choice. The F & I manager’s job is to convert you to the finance sources they use. F & I is for finance and insurance.

    In the Huntington area there are forty-five (45) lenders competing for the vehicle financing business. That large number of lenders might be just fine in a huge metropolitan area but not in our community where we need to invest locally. Yes, whenever possible we have an obligation to support our country and purchase products manufactured in the U.S. if the quality and price is competitive.  We must think in terms that benefit us personally and that means financing vehicles with your credit union, not with the dealer’s finance source.
    Simply say no to the finance and insurance manager and return to our credit union after the purchase price is completed and you have an approved buyer’s Morder from the sales department. It will be difficult since the F&I manager is trained to overcome your objective of financing with us. Just stand up and say “thank you but I’m going to my credit union.” 

    Carol Damron

    President, Board of Directors  

    Credit Union Staff

    Cheryl Sullivan                                                            


                                  Board of Directors

    Carol Damron, President           Bill Taylor                 JoAnne Perry

    Glenn Stotts                            Nyoka James




    ©2020 Cabway Telco FCU